Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hello, My Name is Scarlett

Hello.  My name is Scarlett Clarke and I am a historical romance author.  I once used to describe myself as an "aspiring romance author," the amazing women (and man) of my RWA chapter quickly corrected me.
"You are a romance author," they told me.  "You just haven't been published yet."
Have I mentioned how much I love these people?
I am not by nature a blogger.  I attempted a few blogs in high school, and one in my early years at college.  But they were more for the thrill of saying "Yes, I have a blog" and joining the 21st century.  They were never about anything I truly enjoyed.  I'm hoping that since this blog will be focused on two of my biggest passions, reading and writing, that I'll be able to keep up.
This first post will be short.  As I'm writing I'm thinking about the finishing touches I have to put on my author website, how I'm going to increase the sexual tension between my hero and heroine in scene three of my Regency-era romance novel and how my husband and I are going to finish renovating the walls of our house before the cold of winter moves in.
So, a couple things about me:

  • I write romance novels, most of them set in Regency-era England.
  • I am unpublished (so far).  
  • I joined Romance Writers of America this year as well as my local RWA chapter, Heartland Romance Authors.  This group, along with the incredible support I have received from family and friends, has helped me recommit to pursuing a career in romance writing.
  • When I'm not writing or reading I can be found renovating my house, gardening, going to my adult gymnastics class or trying a crazy activity with friends (paintballing was the latest).
I hope to use this blog to share my adventures with writing and the path to publication with other authors.  I'm also hoping to share some of my favorite stories, writing tips, interviews and more.  The sky's the limit!