Sunday, March 27, 2016

So It's Been Awhile...Life & Updates

The Last Time You Saw Me...

So the last time I blogged I had made a commitment to be a regular blogger.  But life has a funny way of upsetting even the most carefully laid plans...

WARNING: Personal details ahead.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Some strange occurrences with my body prompted me to seek out a new nurse practitioner.  I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a not uncommon hormonal disorder that can cause fertility complications...and acne that reminded me of the good 'ole days of high school.

My nurse practitioner, Linda* (an amazing woman who I consider a miracle in disguise), was very positive about my chances for being able to control my symptoms and go on to have a family.

Ladies, if you've got the following symptoms consider talking to your doctor, nurse practitioner or health care provider:

  • Irregular monthly cycle
  • Obesity/weight gain/overweight
  • Acne or oily skin
  • Infertility
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Depression
  • Loss of scalp hair
  • Excessive body hair (back, face, etc.)
Learn more from this amazing website that's been a valuable resource and support network for me:

Of course these symptoms can represent other things.  But I'm so glad I spoke with Linda and got some answers as well as a healthcare plan for my future.  It's been a gradual adjustment, but I'm excited to move forward and overcome my challenges (with some amazing support from friends and family).

A New Beginning & Silver Linings

I also unexpectedly moved to a new apartment, and while the move was hard it's turned out to have a number of silver linings.  I recently accepted a new job that I'll start in August.  Not only will I love the work, but the schedule will be more flexible for my writing (and reading!).  I'm also closer to my family, including my mom, dad and stepfather, as well as numerous friends...

Not gonna lie, the Barnes & Noble and Half-Priced Books 15 minutes from my apartment versus over an hour from my old house is an extra bonus!

Writing Updates

Despite all the crazy changes in my life I've been slowly but surely plugging away at my book.  I recently entered the Royal Ascot contest and will hear back on finals by the end of May.  I'm actually remembering to show, not tell, and the character development process has grown much easier thanks to the constant feedback and support from my family, friends, critique group and Heartland Romance Authors.

Moving Forward

So here it is...another commitment to blog at least once a month starting now.  Otherwise, I'll see you all in another few months!